Why Horses?

Horses are powerful co-therapists. They have the extraordinary ability to read our mental, emotional, physical, and energetic states. A horse is like a mirror, reflecting back our true internal states of being. They support us in learning and experiencing nervous system regulation leading to emotional regulation by coming into relationship with their electromagnetic heart fields. They have a special gift for teaching us about relationships by requesting “we show up with” authenticity, congruency, presence, and leadership.

Horses do not judge and are genuinely accepting when we begin to align with our true selves. Groups of horses, called horse herds, also offer an advanced model for pro-social and balanced family dynamics.



What to Expect


Therapy in the equine environment is a powerful and unique addition to the therapeutic process offering teens, young adults, and millennials the opportunity to learn about themselves on a deeper level. The equine experience typically builds on the canine experience, but can also stand alone. It's an excellent service for youth 12 years and older.

Therapy in the equine environment is a team approach and typically includes you or your child, your equine co-therapist(s), and your therapist. Sessions are 60 minutes long. All of the work with the horses is done from the ground, not in the saddle. We work together to develop a plan for therapy to meet you or your child’s needs. Typically goals typically focus on increasing nervous system regulation, developing leadership skills, finding internal confidence, and embodying your true self.

Teens, young adults, and millennials graduate from the equine experience with the ability to express their feelings and needs, better cope with strong emotions, heal from past hurts, and authentically connect with others.

Equine sessions are offered at the Wish Fulfilling Tree in Sebastopol, CA.



Schedule a Free Consultation

Therapy with horses is truly an innovative approach to therapy, and creates personal openings that you may have never known were possible. Please contact us to discuss how therapy with horses can support you.